Document Checklist for the Recruitment of Foreign Workers

A. Documents required while applying for Professional category

1. Notarized qualification certificate
2. A copy of a valid passport/voter card
3. Valid business license/work order/construction approval letter/recommendation letter from the concerned agency
4. Employer undertaking form (Form: 9) Click Here
5. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer

B. Documents required while applying Skilled/Unskilled category (Inclusive of Border Town Foreign Workers & Hourly Foreign Workers)

1. A copy of the valid passport/voter card of the foreign workers
2. Valid business license/work order/construction approval letter/recommendation letter from the concerned agency
3. Letter from the concerned office
4. Employer undertaking form (Form: 9) Click Here
5. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer

C. Documents required while applying for Furniture/sawmill unit foreign workers

1. Employer Undertaking Declaration form for furniture house (Form: 6) Click Here
2. Declaration form for sawmill unit (Form: 5) Click Here
3. A copy of the valid passport/voter card of the foreign workers
4. Valid business license
5. Employer undertaking form (Form: 9) Click Here
6. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer

D. Documents required while applying for Short-term foreign workers

1. A copy of the valid passport/voter card of the foreign workers.

2. Valid business license/work order/construction approval letter/recommendation letter from the concerned agency
3. Medical fitness certificate from the country of origin (General medical fitness)
4. Employer undertaking form (Form: 9) Click Here
5. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer


E. Documents required for the Renewal of work permit (before work permit expires)

1. A copy work permit card
2. Valid business license/work order/construction approval letter/recommendation letter from the concerned agency

F. Document required to activate work permit (if work permit expires)

1. Application stating the reasons behind your failure to renew on time.
2. Renewal enabling undertaking letter (Form: 3) Click Here
3. A copy of work permit card

G. Documents required for the Transfer of foreign workers from one employer / location to another employer / location

1. Duly filled Transfer of Contract of Employment and Workplace Change form (Form: 8) Click Here 
2. A copy of the valid work permit card
3. Valid business license/work order/construction approval letter/recommendation letter from the concerned agency/ consent letter from the receiving employer for minor renovations (if required for few days)

Please apply by clicking the option ‘Request for Transfer’ and not as ‘New Recruitment’ and it must be applied from the receiving employer’s account.

H. Documents required for Foreign Child Caregiver (FCC)

i. To be submitted online as an attachment

1. A copy of the Voter card or passport of the FCC.
2. Employment status of one parent/ business license for private business entities.

3. A copy of the Birth Certificate of the Child (12 years and below)
4. Employer undertaking form (Form: 9) CLICK HERE…
5. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer

ii. To be submitted offline in the respective Regional Office, MoICE

Contract of Employment between employer and FCC (Form: 10) CLICK HERE…

I. Documents required for Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW)

i. General documents (for both Bhutanese and international residents):
1. A copy of the Voter card/ passport of the FDW
2. Employer undertaking and declaration letter for FDW (Form: 1) CLICK HERE…
3. Duly signed authorization letter from the employer to the FWRA if he/she allows the FWRA to sign the employer undertaking form on behalf of the employer.

ii. International employers residing in Bhutan must submit the following additional documents.

1. A copy of passport/ work permit
2. Concerned letter from the head of the organization/ agency

iii. To be submitted offline in the respective Regional Office, MoICE

Contract of Employment between employer and FDW (Form: 2) CLICK HERE…